With only 5 ingredients needed, this easy but incredibly decadent recipe ticks all the boxes. It's the ultimate treat when you're craving something sweet after dinner or need a beautiful dessert to impress friends and family. 

Makes 12


1 1/2 C dark chocolate buttons
2 small ripe bananas, peeled & sliced
2 tbsp coconut oil* (divided)
2 tbsp coconut sugar
1/2 C almond butter
Sea salt
12 mini muffin cups


Melt 3/4 cup of dark chocolate buttons and 1/2 tbsp of coconut oil together in a bain-marie or microwave at 30 sec intervals, stirring each time, until melted. Pour the melted chocolate mix into a muffin tray lined with muffin cup liners. Fill the muffin cups up to roughly the first quarter.

Place the muffin tray containing the melted chocolate into the freezer and allow at least 10 minutes for the chocolate mix to set.

While the chocolate is in the freezer, add 1 tbsp coconut oil and 2 tbsp coconut sugar to a fry pan and slowly fry the bananas in this mix until they are nicely caramelised. Set aside and allow to cool.

Remove the muffin tray from the freezer and check that the chocolate has set. Place a small dollop of almond butter in to each of the muffin cups. The almond butter will sit on top of the first layer of chocolate.

Now take a small piece of the caramelised banana and add it to each one of the muffin cups, pressing it gently on top of the almond butter. The caramelised banana should be sitting lower than the top edge of the muffin cup.

Take another 3/4 cup of dark chocolate buttons and 1/2 tbsp of coconut oil and just like in step 1, melt using your preferred method until completely melted. Drizzle melted chocolate mixture over the top of the banana and almond butter until everything is covered or you have filled up to the top edge.

Decorate the top with a chocolate button by half immersing it into the top.

Return the filled muffin tray to the freezer and allow to set. Give it about 15 minutes. Finally, remove muffin tray from the freezer and sprinkle with a few flakes of sea salt on the top to garnish (optional). Store in the fridge. Enjoy!

*Item not available online but is available in your local GoodFor store.

This recipe was contributed by Karina from @simplylivingnz.