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We make shopping sustainably easy. With over 600 of your favourite package-free products available, you can refill your pantry essentials and household items either in-store or shop online nationwide - we'll send your order in 100% home compostable packaging.
Our Stores
Ponsonby Store
2 Williamson Ave, Grey Lynn
09 3765885
Open 7 Days
10am-6:30pm weekdays
10am-6:00pm weekends
Takapuna Store
360 Lake Rd, Takapuna
09 4860760
Open 7 Days
9:30am-6:30pm weekdays
9:30am-6:00pm weekends
Stonefields Store
Tenancy 12, Stoneridge on Lunn
09 5270824
Open 7 Days
10am-6:30pm weekdays
10am-5pm weekends
Wellington Store
21 Jessie St, Te Aro
04 8015742
Open 7 Days
10am-6:30pm weekdays
10am - 6pm weekends
Christchurch Store
20 Welles St, Christchurch Central
03 3650068
Open 7 Days
10am-6pmĀ weekdays
10am-5pmĀ weekends
Nelson Store
151Ā McShane Rd, Appleby
03 5410234
Open 7 Days
9am-5:30pm weekdays
9am-4:30pm weekends